Tri :
Dominique Cerveau - Holomorphic foliations of codimension one, elementary theory (Part 2)
/ Fanny Bastien
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this introductory course I will present the basic notions, both local
and global, using classical examples. I will explain statements in
connection with the resolution of singularities with for instance the
singular Frobenius Theorem or the Liouvilian integration. I will also
present some open questions which I will motivate by examples.
ce cours introductif je m’attacherai à présenter les notions de base
tant locales que globales au travers d’exemples classiques. J’aborderai
des énoncés liés à la résolution des singularités avec par exemple le
théorème de Frobenius singulier ou l’intégration Liouvillienne. Je
présenterai aussi quelques problèmes ouverts que je motiverai encore au
travers d’exemples.
Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, institut fourier, summer school, feuilletages, COURBES PSEUDOHOLOMORPHES
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Claude Viterbo - Théorie des faisceaux et Topologie symplectique (Part 3)
/ Fanny Bastien
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de méthodes de théorie des faisceaux (Kashiwara-Schapira)a été
dévelopée ces dernières années par Tamarkin, Nadler, Zaslow, Guillermou,
Kashiwara et Schapira. Nous essaierons d’en donner un aperçu à la fois
pour démontrer des résultats classiques, comme la conjecture d’Arnold,
et pour des résultats nouveaux.
use of methods from the Sheaf Theory (Kashiwara-Schapira) was
developped recently by Tamarkin, Nadler, Zaslow, Guillermou, Kashiwara
and Schapira. We will try to give an insight of that, in order to prove
classical results, such as the Arnold conjecture, and to obtain new
Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, institut fourier, summer school, feuilletages, COURBES PSEUDOHOLOMORPHES
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Christiane Frougny - Systèmes de numération et automates (Part 2)
/ Fanny Bastien
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finis et langages rationnels de mots finis • Automates finis et mots
infinis • Systèmes de numération à base réelle • Nombres de Pisot,
nombres de Parry et nombres de Perron • Systèmes de numération définis
par une suite Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, dynamics, institut fourier, summer school, number theory, automates, Systèmes de numération
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Christian Gérard - Introduction to field theory on curved spacetimes (Part 4)
/ Fanny Bastien
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The aim of these lectures is to give an introduction to quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, from the point of view of partial differential equations and microlocal analysis. I will concentrate on free fields and quasi-free states, and say very little on interacting fields or perturbative renormalization. I will start by describing the necessary algebraic background, namely CCR and CAR algebras, and the notion of quasi-free states, with their basic properties and characterizations. I will then introduce the notion of globally hyperbolic spacetimes, and its importance for classical field theory (advanced and retarded fundamental solutions, unique solvability of the Cauchy problem). Using these results I will explain the algebraic quantization of the two main examples of quantum fields ona manifold, namely the Klein-Gordon (bosonic) and Dirac (fermionic) fields.In the second part of the lectures I will discuss the important notion of Hadamardstates , which are substitutes in curved spacetimes for the vacuum state in Minkowskispacetime. I will explain its original motivation, related to the definition of therenormalized stress-energy tensor in a quantum field theory. I will then describethe modern characterization of Hadamard states, by the wavefront set of their twopointfunctions, and prove the famous Radzikowski theorem , using the Duistermaat-Hörmander notion of distinguished parametrices . If time allows, I will also describe the quantization of gauge fields, using as example the Maxwell field. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, General Relativity, institut fourier, summer school, asymptotic analysis
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Christian Gérard - Introduction to field theory on curved spacetimes (Part 3)
/ Fanny Bastien
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The aim of these lectures is to give an introduction to quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, from the point of view of partial differential equations and microlocal analysis. I will concentrate on free fields and quasi-free states, and say very little on interacting fields or perturbative renormalization. I will start by describing the necessary algebraic background, namely CCR and CAR algebras, and the notion of quasi-free states, with their basic properties and characterizations. I will then introduce the notion of globally hyperbolic spacetimes, and its importance for classical field theory (advanced and retarded fundamental solutions, unique solvability of the Cauchy problem). Using these results I will explain the algebraic quantization of the two main examples of quantum fields ona manifold, namely the Klein-Gordon (bosonic) and Dirac (fermionic) fields.In the second part of the lectures I will discuss the important notion of Hadamardstates , which are substitutes in curved spacetimes for the vacuum state in Minkowskispacetime. I will explain its original motivation, related to the definition of therenormalized stress-energy tensor in a quantum field theory. I will then describethe modern characterization of Hadamard states, by the wavefront set of their twopointfunctions, and prove the famous Radzikowski theorem , using the Duistermaat-Hörmander notion of distinguished parametrices . If time allows, I will also describe the quantization of gauge fields, using as example the Maxwell field. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, General Relativity, institut fourier, summer school, asymptotic analysis
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Christian Gérard - Introduction to field theory on curved spacetimes (Part 2)
/ Fanny Bastien
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The aim of these lectures is to give an introduction to quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, from the point of view of partial differential equations and microlocal analysis. I will concentrate on free fields and quasi-free states, and say very little on interacting fields or perturbative renormalization. I will start by describing the necessary algebraic background, namely CCR and CAR algebras, and the notion of quasi-free states, with their basic properties and characterizations. I will then introduce the notion of globally hyperbolic spacetimes, and its importance for classical field theory (advanced and retarded fundamental solutions, unique solvability of the Cauchy problem). Using these results I will explain the algebraic quantization of the two main examples of quantum fields ona manifold, namely the Klein-Gordon (bosonic) and Dirac (fermionic) fields.In the second part of the lectures I will discuss the important notion of Hadamardstates , which are substitutes in curved spacetimes for the vacuum state in Minkowskispacetime. I will explain its original motivation, related to the definition of therenormalized stress-energy tensor in a quantum field theory. I will then describethe modern characterization of Hadamard states, by the wavefront set of their twopointfunctions, and prove the famous Radzikowski theorem , using the Duistermaat-Hörmander notion of distinguished parametrices . If time allows, I will also describe the quantization of gauge fields, using as example the Maxwell field. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, General Relativity, institut fourier, summer school, asymptotic analysis
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Christian Gérard - Construction of Hadamard states for Klein‐Gordon fields
/ Fanny Bastien
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we will review a new construction of Hadamard states for quantized Klein-‐Gordon fields on curved spacetimes, relying on pseudo differential calculus on a Cauchy surface. We also present some work in progress where Hadamard states are constructed from traces of Klein-‐Gordon fields on a characteristic cone. (Joint work with Michal Wrochna). Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, institut fourier, summer school, calculus of variation, asymptotic analysis
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Camillo De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 4)
/ Fanny Bastien
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A celebrated
theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which
minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a
singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in
codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are
area-minimizing. In fact the typical singularity of a 2-dimensional
area-minimizing current is modelled by branch points of holomorphic
curves. These singularities are rather difficult to analyze because they
might be very high order phenomena. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, institut fourier, summer school, geometric measure theory, calculus of variation
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Camillo De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 3)
/ Fanny Bastien
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A celebrated
theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which
minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a
singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in
codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are
area-minimizing. In fact the typical singularity of a 2-dimensional
area-minimizing current is modelled by branch points of holomorphic
curves. These singularities are rather difficult to analyze because they
might be very high order phenomena. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, institut fourier, summer school, geometric measure theory, calculus of variation
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Camillo De Lellis - Center manifolds and regularity of area-minimizing currents (Part 1)
/ Fanny Bastien
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A celebrated
theorem of Almgren shows that every integer rectifiable current which
minimizes (locally) the area is a smooth submanifold except for a
singular set of codimension at most 2. Almgren’s theorem is sharp in
codimension higher than 1, because holomorphic subvarieties of Cn are
area-minimizing. In fact the typical singularity of a 2-dimensional
area-minimizing current is modelled by branch points of holomorphic
curves. These singularities are rather difficult to analyze because they
might be very high order phenomena. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, institut fourier, summer school, geometric measure theory, calculus of variation
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