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Tri :
Modelling prognostic capabilities of tumor size : application to colorectal cancer
/ Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia
/ 10-11-2015
/ Canal-u.fr
RONDEAU Virginie
Voir le résumé
Voir le résumé
and public health
In oncology, the international WHO and RECIST
criteria have allowed the standardization of tumor response evaluation in order
to identify the time of disease progression. These semi-quantitative
measurements are often used as endpoints in phase II and phase III trials to
study the efficacy of new therapies. However, through categorization of the
continuous tumor size, information can be lost and they can be challenged by
recently developed methods of modeling biomarkers in a longitudinal way. Thus,
it is of interest to compare the predictive ability of cancer progressions
based on categorical criteria and quantitative measures of tumor size
(left-censored due to detection limit problems) and/or appearance of new lesions
on overall survival. We propose a joint model for a simultaneous analysis of
three types of data: longitudinal marker, recurrent events and a terminal
event. A simulation study is performed and shows that the proposed trivariate
model is appropriate for the practical use. We suggest statistical tools that
evaluate predictive accuracy for joint models to compare our model to models
based on categorical criteria and their components. We apply the model to a
randomized phase III clinical trial of metastatic colorectal cancer, conducted
by the Fédération Francophone de Cancérologie Digestive (FFCD 2000-05 trial),
which assigned 410 patients to two therapeutic strategies with multiple
successive chemotherapy regimens.
Cette présentation a été donnée dans le cadre du BRIO SIRIC
scientific day 3 organisé annuellement par le SIRIC BRIO et qui a pour but de
réunir tous les acteurs du SIRIC BRIO et plus largement de la cancérologie à
Bordeaux. Mot(s) clés libre(s) : cancer, Oncologie, Thérapie, Recherche
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